The nominal power of the the ZEFIR horizontal wind turbines ranges from 3.0 kW to 150 kW and corresponds to the DIN standard EN61400-2. Τhe wind turbines must meet the requirements of the DIBt guideline "Guideline for wind turbines, impacts and proof of stability for the tower and foundation". With regard to small wind turbines, the DIBt refers, among other things, to the DIN standard EN61400-2. All ZEFIR wind turbines have been designed for a service life of 25 years. The warranty is 5 years with an option to extend up to 25 years.
- Site assessment (wind energy potential, shadow impact and noise level analysis on site)
- Wind turbine dimensioning: power, hub height, rotor diameter
- Soil investigation, foundation calculation and fabrication
- Delivery, assembly and commissioning of the system
- Insurance proposals for the system for reduced yield, natural forces, overvoltage, incorrect operation, vandalism and failure
- Maintenance contract (combined with a 5-year guarantee). The guarantee can be extended up to a lifetime of 25 years per system
- Remote SCADA monitoring and SCADA control of the plant
- Building permit process with our business partner in your area
- Measures to protect birds and bats at a maximum of around 35 to a maximum of around 40 decibels at a distance of 60 m. At hub height Lw <83dB (83 dB (ISO 3746:2011)