for Clean energy supply (Energy production system)
Wind turbines
Small wind turbines (1-50 kW)
Livestock, Greenhouses
Farmer, Industry
Energy provision (e.g. electricity)
Hardware, Methodology
Project`s acronym: Eciwind
Project funding type: EU
Project funding source: H2020
Project coordinator: LANCOR 2000 S COOP
Coordinator location: Spain
Coordinator email / Contact form:
Project status: Finished
Total budget: 1867578.75
"The objective of Enair is upscale the the aerodynamic and mechanical design of the key elements of the 10 kW wind turbine to a 40kW wind turbine, with emphasis on:
o Upscale the design of the components of 10kW turbine to obtain the operational design to 40 kW turbine.
o Rotor: must rotate at 60 rpm when the wind velocity is impinging over the blades at 12 m/s
o Blades decrease the weight 20%.
o CAD design, will be performed in an iterative process to close the optimal upgrade.
o 40 kW nominal power at 12 m/s of wind velocity according to international standard IEC-61400-2
Changing the concept of the generator to a fractional slot topology with concentrated coils, the main objectives would be:
o Reduce the magnet volume by at least 10%.
o Reduce the copper weight by at least 8%.
o Obtain an efficiency greater than 90%."
Files: --
This section contains a brief assessment of the FEFTS described.
There are 3 basic categories: General, Environmental and Socioeconomic assessment.
The purpose of this assessment is to give a quick overview to the potential FEFTS user of its application benefits.
For each question, the Likert scale is used with the following possible answers:
Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree (Neutral)/non applicable, Agree, Strongly agree
Keep in mind that this assessment is subjective, based on publicly available information.
All registered users are asked to evaluate each FEFTS and when an adequate number of reviews is gathered the results depicted here are updated. Each review is screened in order to avoid malicious practices.
FEFTS providers who do not agree with the assessment results, can send their inquiry to and a direct action based on their petition will be taken.