for Clean energy supply (Energy production system)
Wind turbines
Small wind turbines (1-50 kW)
Open-field agriculture, Livestock, Greenhouses
Farmer, Energy generator, Industry
Energy provision (e.g. electricity)
Project`s acronym: GW-FortyForty (2016)
Project funding type: EU
Project funding source: H2020
Project coordinator: GAIA-WIND LIMITED
Coordinator location: United Kingdom
Coordinator email / Contact form:
Project status: Finished
Total budget: 71429
The project will take GW-FortyForty from its current status at TRL6 – a prototype demonstrated in a relevant environment – to TRL8, a complete and qualified commercial prototype. This will enable it to take advantage of the major business opportunity that exists for an advanced SWT that overcomes current technical and economic challenges facing the market. This in turn will make a significant contribution to reducing carbon emissions. The additional forecast sales of the new turbine, together with the higher output, means that by 2023 the annual CO2 emissions saved by this project will be approximately 90,000t CO2.
Files: --
This section contains a brief assessment of the FEFTS described.
There are 3 basic categories: General, Environmental and Socioeconomic assessment.
The purpose of this assessment is to give a quick overview to the potential FEFTS user of its application benefits.
For each question, the Likert scale is used with the following possible answers:
Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree (Neutral)/non applicable, Agree, Strongly agree
Keep in mind that this assessment is subjective, based on publicly available information.
All registered users are asked to evaluate each FEFTS and when an adequate number of reviews is gathered the results depicted here are updated. Each review is screened in order to avoid malicious practices.
FEFTS providers who do not agree with the assessment results, can send their inquiry to and a direct action based on their petition will be taken.