This is a toast

This is a description of the toast

Barriers, driving forces and non-energy benefits for battery storage in photovoltaic (PV) systems in modern agriculture

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  • Assessment

FEFTS Specifications

Scientific paper

for Clean energy supply (Energy storage system)

Type of storage

Electricity storage

Special type


Agricultural domain

Open-field agriculture, Livestock, Greenhouses

Suitable for

Advisory services, Policy makers


Energy provision (e.g. electricity)



Type of solution

Methodology, Other

AgEnergy Platform

This project has received funding from the European Union`s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement ID 101000496

This AgEnergy platform has been developed only by using published material from different open access sources. The main objective of the AgEnergy platform is to facilitate the dissemination of useful information for a better application of fossil-energy-free strategies and technologies (FEFTS), and has no any commercial or comparative purposes. If you do not agree with the dissemination of the information, please contact us at

Created by agenso